Multi-modal Language Intelligence (M2LI) LAB 中文主页

Leader:Fan Xu(徐凡), Ph.D.

Academic Title:University Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor

Department:School of Computer and Information Engineering, Jiangxi Normal University

Research Field:Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Big Data Analytics

LAB Introduction

This multi-modal language intelligence laboratory focuses on artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computational linguistics, and big data analytics. The laboratory cooperates with Texas Institute of Technology of USA, Institute for Infocomm Research of Singapore, Soochow University, and other distinguished universities or institutes to publish influential academic achievements. We focus on the transformation of scientific research achievements and make contributions to the research in the field of Natural language processing in China.

  1. (1)Looking for master and doctoral candidates with strong self-motivation to join our team!

  2. (2)We have stable cooperation with the distinguished scholars from United States, Singapore, and 985 or 211 universities of China, which is beneficial for outstanding students to pursure their goal of learning.

  3. (3)Looking for undergraduate students to participate in the research training and paper publication. Those with experience in ACM, mathematical modeling, etc. are preferred!


  • 2024/02: Our paper about Multi-Modal Rumor Detection has been accepted in LREC-COLING 2024 (Top Conference in Naturnal Language Processing, CCF-B).
  • 2024/02: Our paper about Multi-Modal Chinese Sign Language recognition has been accepted in LREC-COLING 2024 (Top Conference in Naturnal Language Processing, CCF-B).
  • 2023/12: Our paper about Multi-Modal Rumor Detection has been accepted by Neurocomputing (Top Journal, JCR Q1, SCI, IF=6.000).
  • 2023/10: Our paper about Incomplete Modality Rumor Detection has been accepted in EMNLP 2023 findings (Top Conference in Naturnal Language Processing, CCF-B Findings).
  • 2023/05: Our paper about Alzheimer's Disease Detection has been accepted by TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE (SCI Journal, JCR Q3, IF=1.600).
  • 2022/11: Our paper about Sign Language Recognition Platform was awarded as "Second Prize for Excellent Paper" at CPEC 2022.
  • 2022/11: Our paper about Dialogue Model has been accepted by Journal of Software (CCF T1, EI).
  • 2022/09: Our paper about Rumor Detection has been accepted by SCIENTIA SINICA INFORMATIONS (CCF T1).
  • 2022/08: Our paper about Rumor Detection was awarded as "Best Paper" at ICCEAI 2022.
  • 2021/07: Our paper about Dialect Model has been accepted by ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2, SCI, IF=2.000).
  • 2021/07: Our survey paper about Disinformation Detection and Truth Discovery has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys (Top Journal, JCR Q1, SCI, IF=16.600).
  • 2020/08: Our paper about Rumor Detection has been accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems (Top Journal, JCR Q1, SCI, IF=8.800).
  • 2020/03: Our paper about Dialect Model has been accepted by ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2, SCI, IF=2.000).
  • 2017/12: Our paper about Dialect Corpus Construction has been accepted by LREC 2018 (Top Conference, Oral acceptance rate=188/1102=17.05%) .

Supervisor Introduction

Dr. Xu is the university professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Jiangxi Normal University of China. His research interests include artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computational linguistics, and big data analytics. He has published more than 40 research papers in conferences and journals of natural language processing and data mining, mostly in highly prestigious ACM or Elsevier, including CSUR, KBS, Neurocomputing, ACM TALLIP, EMNLP, COLING, LREC etc. Dr. Xu is a senior member of CCF. He is also a member of ACM and IEEE. He was a winner of the Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation-Outstanding Youth Fund project. He is a member of the speech dialogue and auditory professional committee of the Chinese computer society, a member of the language and knowledge computing professional committee of the Chinese information society, and a member of the youth working committee of the Chinese information society. He worked as a visiting scholar at the University of Central Arkansas in the United States from December 2018 to December 2019. He has 6-year experience in project management and software development for European and American customers, and presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 7 provincial projects. He has 5 authorized invention patents and 10 software copyright registrations. He is a resident reviewer of authoritative journals such as CSUR, Artificial Intelligence Review, ACM TALLIP, Data Technologies & Applications, Journal of Computer Science, Journal of Software, Journal of Chinese Information Processing, Journal of acoustics, and leading conferences (e.g., ACL, IJCAI, EMNLP, COLING, LREC, etc.).


Student Level Teaching Courses
Undergraduate Students 《Natural Language Processing》、《Python Programming》
International Undergraduate Students 《Java Programming》
Postgraduate Students 《Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design》、《Advanced Software Engineering》


  • (1)ICCEAI 2022, Best Paper Award, 2022.08.
  • (2)CPEC 2022, Second Prize for Excellent Paper, 2022.11.
  • (3)Fan Xu was awarded Jiangxi Natural Science - Outstanding Youth Fund Project in 2019.

Research Achievements Introduction

  • Principal Investigator of Projects

  • Selected Publications

  • [1] NSFC,Research on Disinformation Detection in Multi-modal Social Media(62162031),2022.01-2025.12.
  • [2] NSFC,Research on the Construction and Computational Model of Parallel Corpus for Gan Dialect Texts(61772246),2018.01-2021.12.
  • [3] NSFC,Research on Computational Models for Coherence Analysis in Chinese Texts(61402208),2015.01-2017.12.
  • [4] Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation - Outstanding Youth Fund Project,Research on Multi-modal Hakka Dialect Resource Construction and Speech processing Model Based on Crowdsourcing Mechanism(20192ACBL21030),2019.01-2021.12.
  • [5] Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation,Research on Key Technologies of Open Domain Chinese Multi skill Empathy Dialogue(20224ACB202010),2023.01-2026.12.
  • [6] CSC,University of Central Arkansas of USA, Visiting Scholar. 2018.12-2019.12.
  • [7] Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project,Construction and Computational Model of Parallel Corpus of Jiangxi Dialect(17YY05),2018.01-2019.12.
  • [8] Jiangxi Province University Humanities and Social Sciences Project,Construction of a Parallel Corpus of Gan Dialect Texts and Its Synchronic and Diachronic Studies(YY17211),2018.01-2019.12.
  • [9] Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation,Research on the Construction of Business Chinese Writing Resources and Machine Scoring Model Based on Big Data(20151BAB207027),2015.01-2017.12.
  • [10] Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education Fund,A Synchronic and Diachronic Study on the Word Link Corpus in the Greater China Region(GJJ150351),2016.01-2017.12.
  • [1] Fan Xu, Victor S. Sheng, Mingwen Wang. A Unified Perspective for Disinformation Detection and Truth Discovery in Social Sensing: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 2021, Vol. 55, No. 1, 6:1-6:33. (Top Journal, JCR Q1, IF=16.600)
  • [2] Fan Xu, Victor S. Sheng, Mingwen Wang. Near Real-Time Topic-Driven Rumor Detection in Source Microblogs. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, Vol. 207, 106391:1-9. (Top Journal, JCR Q1, IF=8.800)
  • [3] Fan Xu, Lei Zeng, Qi Huang, Keyu Yan, Mingwen Wang, Victor S. Sheng. Hierarchical Graph Attention Networks for Multi-Modal Rumor Detection on Social Media. Neurocomputing, 2023, accepted. (Top Journal, JCR Q1, IF=6.000)
  • [4] Fan Xu, Yangjie Dan, Keyu Yan, Yong Ma, Mingwen Wang. Low-Resource Language Discrimination towards Chinese Dialects With Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2021, Vol. 21, No. 2, 27:1-27:20. (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2, IF=2.000).
  • [5] Fan Xu, Jian Luo, Mingwen Wang, Guodong Zhou. Speech-Driven End-to-End Language Discrimination towards Chinese Dialects. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2020, Vol. 19, No. 5, 62:1-62:24. (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2,IF=2.000)
  • [6] Fan Xu, Pinyun Fu, Qi Huang, Bowei Zou, AiTi Aw, Mingwen Wang. Leveraging Contrastive Learning and Knowledge Distillation for Incomplete Modality Rumor Detection. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pages 13492–13503, December 6-10, 2023@2023 Association for Computational Linguistics. (Top Conference, CCF-B [Findings])
  • [7] Fan Xu, Lei Zeng, Bowei Zou, AiTi Aw and Huan Rong. CLFFRD: Curriculum Learning and Fine-grained Fusion for Multimodal Rumor Detection. In Proceedings of the LREC-COLING 2024, accepted. (Top Conference, CCF-B)
  • [8] Fan Xu, Kai Liu, Yifeng Yang and Keyu Yan. WW-CSL: A New Dataset for Word-Based Wearable Chinese Sign Language Detection. In Proceedings of the LREC-COLING 2024, accepted. (Top Conference, CCF-B)
  • [9] Fan Xu, Qihang Zheng,Jia Shi,Keyu Yan*,Mingwen Wang. Pre-training and Ensembling Based Alzheimer's Disease Detection. Technology and Health Care, 2024, 32:379-395. (JCR Q3, IF=1.600)
  • [10] Fan Xu, Minghao Li, Qi Huang, Keyu Yan, Mingwen Wang, Guodong Zhou. Knowledge Graph-driven Graph Neural Network-based Model for Rumor Detection. SCIENTIA SINICA INFORMATIONS, 2023,53(4):663-681. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [11] Fan Xu, Jianming Xu, Yong Ma, Mingwen Wang, Guodong Zhou. Open-domain Multi-turn Dialogue Model Based on Knowledge Enhancement. Journal of Software, 2022.11. (CCF T1, EI, in Chinese)
  • [12] Fan Xu, Yifeng Yang, Jihua Ye, Mingwen Wang. Design and Practice of Object Oriented Curriculum Teaching Based on Immersive Scenarios. Computer Eduction, 2023.02:58-63. (CCF T2, in Chinese)
  • [13] Fan Xu, Jianfeng Yang, Weizhi Yan, Mingwen Wang. An End-to-End Dialect Speech Recognition Model Based on Self Attention. Journal of Signal Processing, 2021,37(10):1860-1871. (CCF T3, in Chinese)
  • [14] Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang, Maoxi Li. Building Parallel Monolingual Gan Chinese Dialects Corpus. In Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 7-12 May 2018, Miyazaki (Japan), pages 244-249. (Top Conference, Oral acceptance rate= 188/1102=17.05%)
  • [15] Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang, Xusheng Xie, Maoxi Li, Jianyi wan. Coherence Modeling for English Student Essay Based on Theme-rheme Structure Theory. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2016, 30(1):115-123. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [16] Fan Xu, Xiongfei Xu, Mingwen Wang, Maoxi Li. Building Monolingual Word Alignment Corpus for the Greater China Region. In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages, Varieties and Dialects, pages 85–94, Hissar, Bulgaria, September 10, 2015. Association for Computational Linguistic.
  • [17] Fan Xu, Qiaoming Zhu, Guodong Zhou. Cohesion-driven Discourse Coherence Modeling. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2014, 28(3):11-21. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [18] Fan Xu, Qiaoming Zhu, Guodong Zhou. Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Based on Tree Kernel. Journal of Software, 2013, 24(5):1022-1035. (CCF T1, EI, in Chinese)
  • [19] Fan Xu, Qiaoming Zhu, Guodong Zhou. Survey of Discourse Analysis Methods. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2013, 27(3):10-22. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [20] Fan Xu, QiaomingZhu, Guodong Zhou. A Unified Framework for Discourse Argument Identification via Shallow Semantic Parsing. In Proceedings of the COLING 2012, pages 1331-1340. (Top Conference, CCF-B)
  • [21] Fan Xu, QiaomingZhu, Peifeng Li. Detecting Text Similarity over Chinese Research Papers Using MapReduce. In Proceedings of the IEEE SNPD 2011, pages 197-202. (EI)
  • [22] Fan Xu, Minghao Li, Shuixiu Wu, Qi Huang, Keyu Yan, Mingwen Wang, Exploring Hierarchical Language Knowledge in Graph Neural Networks for Fake News Detection. ICCEAI 2022, pp. 646-650. (EI, Best Paper Award)
  • [23] Mingwen Wang, Xiongfei Xu, Fan Xu(Corresponding author), Maoxi Li. Word2vec Based Word Alignment Corpus for the Greater China Region. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2015, 29(5):78-85. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [24] Zhongfeng Chen, Zhenyu Lu, Huan Rong, Fan Xu, Chuanjun Zhao. Multi-Modal Anchor Adaptation Learning for Multi-Modal Summarization. Neurocomputing, 2023, accepted. (JCR Q1,Top Journal,IF: 6.000)
  • [25] Huan Rong, Zhongfeng Chen, Zhenyu Lu, Fan Xu, Victor S. Sheng. SHENG. Multization: Multi-Modal Summarization Enhanced by Multi-Contextually Relevant and Irrelevant Attention Alignment. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. 2024.3, Acepted. (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2, IF=2.000)
  • [26] Maoxi Li, Mingwen Wang, Hanxi Li, Fan Xu. Modeling Monolingual Character Alignment for Automatic Evaluation of Chinese translation. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2016, 15(3), 16:1-16:18. (Prestigious Journal, JCR Q2,IF=2.000)
  • [27] Bailian Qiu, Mingwen Wang, Maoxi Li, Chong Chen, Fan Xu. Construction of Fine-Grained Error Analysis Corpus of English-Chinese Machine Translation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2022, 36(01): 47-55. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [28] Weizhi Yan, Mingwen Wang, Fan Xu, Yangjie Dan, Jian Luo. Automatic Partition of Gan Dialect in Jiangxi Province Based on Spectrogram. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2021, 35(4):1-7,15. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [29] Shujing Du, Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang. An Entity-driven Bi-directional LSTM Model for Discourse Coherence. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2017, 31(6):67-74. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [30] Maoxi Li, Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang. Research on IHMM-Based Synonyms Matching for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2016, 30(4):117-123. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [31] Mingwen Wang, Cuiqing Fu, Fan Xu, Huan Hong. A New Chinese Subjective Sentences Recognition Method Based on Word Co-occurrence Relationship Graphic Model. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 2015, 29(6):185-192. (CCF T1, in Chinese)
  • [32] Xiuli Hua, Fan Xu, Zhongqing Wang, Peifeng Li. Fine-grained Classification Method for Abstract Sentence of Scientific Paper. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(14): 138-140. (CCF T2, in Chinese)
  • [33] Kaiyang Chen, Fan Xu(Corresponding author), Mingwen Wang. The Fake News Detection Based on Knowledge Graph and Image Description. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2021, 45 (4):398-402. (Core journals, in Chinese)
  • [34] Xiongfei Xu, Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang, Jiali Zuo, Wenbing Luo. The Research on Feature Extraction of Polarity Classification of Chinese Micro Blogging. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2015,39(3):290-296. (Core journals, in Chinese)
  • [35] Fan Xu, Mingwen Wang, Maoxi Li. Sentence-level Dialects Identification in the Greater China Region. International Journal on Natural Language Computing (IJNLC), 2016, Vol. 5, No.6, pp. 9-20. (CNKI)
  • [36] Fan Xu, Shujing Du, Maoxi Li, Mingwen Wang. An Entity-driven Recursive Neural Network Model for Chinese Discourse Coherence Modeling. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJAIA), 2017, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1-9. (CNKI)
  • [37] YuMei Sun, Fan Xu(Corresponding author), MingWen Wang. Varieties of Chinese Discrimination Using Hybrid Squeeze-and-Excitation Network. Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 473–478. (EI)
  • [38] Yangjie Dan, Fan Xu(Corresponding author), Mingwen Wang. End-to-end Chinese Dialect Discrimination with Self-attention. Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), 2021, pp. 305-316. (EI)

Team Introduction

Students at School



Grade 2023 Weiqiang Jian (Dialogue Model), Qi Wang (Dialogue Model), Lingyu Ye (Knowledge Graph)
Grade 2022 Kai Liu (Sign Language Recognition), Jinpeng Zhong (Rumor Detection), Suming Liu (Dialogue Model), Jian Xiao (Knowledge Graph)
Grade 2021 Yifeng Yang (Sign Language Recognition), Pinyun Fu (Rumor Detection), Lei Zeng (Rumor Detection), Jia Shi (Alzheimer's Disease Detection)

Graduate Students



Grade 2020 Jianming Xu (Dialogue Model), Qihang Zheng (Alzheimer's Disease Detection)
Grade 2019 Hafiza Mahrukh Shahzadi (Rumor Detection), Minghao Li (Rumor Detection), Jianfeng Yang (Dialect Recognition)
Grade 2018 Yangjie Dan (Dialect Recognition), Kaiyang Chen (Rumor Detection)
Grade 2017 Jian Luo (Dialect Recognition), Yumei Sun (Dialect Recognition), Weizhi Yan (Ph.D., Auxiliary Guidance, Dialect Recognition)